“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” [2 Tim 1:6-7]
The letters to Timothy are believed to be the last ones Paul wrote from prison before he was martyred. How he loved Timothy! He remembered Timothy in his prayers, he longed to see him, and he remarked about Timothy’s sincere faith in the opening words of his letter.
What we also learn from Paul’s opening remarks is that Timothy was perhaps a bit timid. Paul knowing that he was soon to be martyred and would be leaving the Gospel in the hands of the younger men wanted to make sure they were as on fire for God as he was. There wasn’t room for timidity.
Paul tells this young man to “fan into flame” the gift God had placed on his life. He reminds Timothy that God has provided all that he needs for ministry … power, love and self-discipline are his through the Holy Spirit.
Fire needs two things, oxygen and fuel. Remove either and flames will be reduced to embers and will eventually go out. But as long as there is even a hint of fire left in those embers, fire can be fanned back into roaring flames with just a little oxygen and a little fuel.
We need to make sure we are fueling the fire of that gift of God in our lives, and we need to make sure we are allowing the Holy Spirit to breathe power into it.