by TerryLema

Everything changes … The White House and Congress are soon to be under new leadership. What was is changing and probably will again in another few years. The Governor of California is looking to ban different foods from the state. Things like energy drinks, skittles, sodas, snack items, etc., that we once thought were good are now regarded as unhealthy.

Everything Changes. One of my health issues has gone into remission, but I picked up another one just for the fun of it. I have more wrinkles, less energy, and I have new pain in places I didn’t even know I had.

Every day is different, every season brings surprises of change. One year our tomato plants did not produce at all, this last year we had a bumper crop of tomatoes except they were extremely small. Who knows what next year will bring.

Everything changes. EXCEPT.

“I am the Lord, and I do not change.” [Malachi 3:6 NLT]

“[God] never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” [James 1:17 NLT]

Amid all the changing circumstances in life, our God never changes. There is not one scintilla of change in Him. What He was, He is, and What He was and is, He always will be.

The world can spin out of control, and our God remains the same. Merciful. Faithful. Holy. Almighty. Loving. Full of Grace and Truth. Good. Generous. All His Character. All His Attributes. Never Change. Amen.

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