Easter Baskets

by TerryLema

Christmas candy canes gave way to Valentine’s Day chocolates. Now Valentine’s Day chocolates have given way to Easter baskets, bunnies, jellybeans, and Peeps.

That is the world’s view of the coming holy day. But Easter (Resurrection Sunday) is THE high point of the Christian calendar. It is the celebration of sacrifice and hope and life and love. That baby in the manger is now the man of the cross – the One who was mocked, scorned, spit upon, whipped, and crowned with thorns on our behalf.

He was crucified in our place and for our sins. He died and was placed in a borrowed tomb.

But … BUT … it did not end there. That was only part of that “first gospel” promise in Genesis 3:15. It was the “[serpent] will strike His heel” part.

The other part, the really Really Great Part, is found in those words, “He (Christ Jesus) will strike (the serpent’s) head.”

The devil who deceived mankind, who has plagued and sought to destroy God’s creation, is defeated. He still roams around roaring, but he is roaring from a position of defeat.

Christ has the victory! The victory promised in Genesis 3:15. The victory that was obtained almost 2000 years ago on a Roman cross. The victory certified by an empty tomb. Rejoice beloved!

Resurrection Sunday is ours every day!


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