I have eight more work days left on my temporary assignment which ends on Friday next week. I am not as young as I once was and I’m tired from working a 40-hour week and pastoring and writing and being a wife and …. Well, you get my drift.
I probably won’t be able to keep up this pace much longer. I’m slowing down. I’ve noticed old Miss Molly Magee the cat is also slowing down a bit. She likes to get up early in the morning; by 4:15 AM she’s letting us know she’s done with her bed in the laundry room, she wants out, out NOW! She eats her snack, drinks some milk and then is ready to curl up next to me while I write and pray. She’s happy just being next to me. She has her favorite blanket and before long she’s asleep again. That’s her pattern during the rest of the day. Sleep. Eat. Drink. And Sleep some more.
She doesn’t tolerate change as well as she used to do. She’s cranky some days and happy others. She likes sunny locations as if her old bones need to be warmed. Yep, a lot like me.
Probably the hardest thing for me when I work a full schedule like I’ve been doing, is to not have enough time in the morning before my day begins to spend with the LORD. It seems I barely get started and then I’m off getting ready to leave for my commute. The day never stops after that and the moments with the LORD are just snatches here and there. I know not everyone is a morning person, but I am … and apparently so was the LORD Jesus. I am really looking forward to being able to spend more time with Him again!
Mark 1:35: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”