Draw Near

by TerryLema

There are lots of things on my mind as I approach this new year. To begin with, I have five doctor appointments in the month of January that will demand my attention. There are things at church in the first few months, board meetings and an annual business meeting that will also require consideration. Then, of course, there is also that pursuit of spiritual maturity I wrote about yesterday. I should also mention the virus-and-fear pandemic which probably will not disappear quickly despite the dispensing of the vaccine.

You probably could also make a list of things that demand your attention and tap into your energy. So how do we balance what we must do with what we should do?

One of the “let us” phrases found in the Book of Hebrews reminds us of a resource we often forget.  It is found in Hebrews 10.  “Since we have a great high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.” [Hebrews 10:21-22 HCSB]

We have a High Priest … a GREAT High Priest. He is Christ Jesus our LORD and Savior. He sits at the Right Hand of the Father and continually makes intercession for us. He invites us to draw near [to Him] with a true heart in full assurance of faith.”

We often forget the strength, wisdom and knowledge that is available to us by drawing near to Christ Jesus. We often forego the peace and joy that is ours when we seek Him. We often ignore His encouragement to dwell in His presence.  Instead, we try to go it alone, usually without success.

I want my 2021 focus to be on my Savior and LORD. I have no idea what the next year will hold, whether we will see the virus-and-fear pandemic lesson or depart … or whether things will get worse not better. I do know with great certainty that if I focus on Christ Jesus and draw near to Him, I will have the resources needed for whatever comes my way.

“Let us draw near” to our Great High Priest! Amen.

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