Does anyone …? (Part 1)

by TerryLema

In the evenings before I head to bed, I usually open my laptop, plug in my earbuds, and listen to music or watch good wholesome comedians. Bob has usually found a Gunsmoke or something equally loud and annoying on the television.

For me, Music and Laughter are a delightful way to end my day. The other day I came across an old comedian (can’t remember his name). One of his one-liners struck home. I posted it on my Facebook page as a “meme” that I can own.

He said: “I thought I had arthritis. I don’t. I have early-onset rigor mortis!”

While old age tends to creep up, there is that moment when you realize that it has arrived in all its glory! There is also a time when you tend to look back and see where you have been and what you have done.

In Psalm 34, David asks a question. “Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous?”  [v12 NLT]

It’s a question that most of us would answer “Yes!” We want a long and prosperous life. While “long” is easy to identify and evaluate, “prosperous” is a bit more difficult. What exactly constitutes a “prosperous” life.

Thankfully, David, not only defines a “prosperous” life, but he also reminds us of God’s care for those who seek to live that way. [More tomorrow]

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