Do You See It?

by TerryLema

I am feeling something in my spirit that I don’t think I have ever felt before. And it has nothing to do with who occupies the White House or Congress or the Supreme Court or any other governing body. It has everything to do with WHO occupies the Eternal Throne in Glory.

All my Christian life I have prayed for what is commonly called “Revival.” I have prayed fervently to witness God move in power and might, prayed for a mighty Wind of God’s Spirit across our land.

I woke up this morning with anticipation in my spirit for this new year unlike any anticipation I have had in a long, long time. As I was praying, I saw an ocean wave, beginning small and then becoming stronger and higher as it moved toward shore.

I know it may sound silly, but I decided to look up how a wave is created and found something I didn’t know. Waves are not traveling bodies of water. They are actually ENERGY passing through the water, causing it to move. And a wave’s energy source most often is caused by WIND blowing along the air-water interface.

My former pastor used to say in faith we crawl out on a limb and declare what God has said, then we saw the limb off. So, on my spiritual limb, by faith, I believe that before 2025 is over a great tsunami of God’s power and might is going to inundate us!

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?” [Isaiah 43:19 NLT]

It may only be a small wave now gathering energy. But “do you not see it?”

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