Discipleship – Part 1

by TerryLema

Recently, I read a definition of “Disciple of Christ. It identified a disciple as someone who believes in Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior, intentionally learns from Him and strives to live more like Him.

I retired a few years ago from pastoring. I stepped down from full-time ministry. I’ve had some time since to think about what that means. It took me a while, but I realized that while I am no longer pastoring, being a disciple of Christ has not changed. I still must “intentionally” learn from Him and strive every day to live more like Him.

I found a lovely description of discipleship in 1 Peter 3.  “You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.” [vs 15 NLT]

I find several aspects of discipleship in that verse.  First, we must make Christ Jesus LORD of our lives. That requires putting Jesus first in everything. We must be set apart from the world with a focus on our LORD and seeking to please Him in every area of our lives. (Read Mark 8:34-38)

Second, we must be ready always to explain this hope we have as believers. Jesus told his followers in Matthew 28:18-20 that we are to take our message of hope into all the world and make other disciples.

Disciples do not reside in isolation. Yes, we ARE set apart from the world with our focus on our LORD seeking to please Him. But we live in this world among those who are bound in sin and desperate for life so that they might see the hope that is in us and want it for themselves.

Discipleship. We may retire from many things in this life, but we never retire from being a disciple of Christ.

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