
by TerryLema

Have I ever told you how much I love writing devotionals?  I think it is because I begin my day thinking about my God in conversational ways.  I am not studying for a message.  I am not reading His Word just for the sake of reading His Word.  (Both of those are absolutely correct and have their purpose.) Instead, I am beginning a conversation with Him, with you, and often with my own soul.

As the day progresses, the thoughts expressed in the devotion often come back to me or lead me to new thoughts.  I talk to God about them, and I sometimes write them down for another day, to begin a new conversation.

The Book of Proverbs has a lot to say about the wise and the foolish. One such admonition is found in Chapter 14. “The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.” [Prov 14:8 NIV]

Our way of speech often open with the words, “I feel.” Then we go on to say things that really should pertain to thought more than emotion.  I think we do that because we have become a people that have allowed feelings to dominate.  We too often do what we feel like doing instead of taking the time to think through our actions or reactions.

The wise or prudent person thinks about his/her ways.  When I write devotions, my thoughts are always drawn to God and to His ways.  And that always leads to thinking about my ways, and whether or not they fall into the definition of the prudent or the fool.

Spend time today giving thought to your ways.  It’s spiritually healthy and wise.

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