Our church has a vision of 10 cities and 10,000 decisions for Christ. We pray for that vision every Thursday. I always pray a bit differently. I ask God for the 10 cities, then I ask God for 10,000 disciples.
One of the most difficult things for a church is turning “decisions” into “disciples.” Decisions come because God is pursuing us; disciples come when we then pursue God.
It is like a “switch” gets turned on in our souls. We see the God who saved us, cleansed us, set us free from the guilt and shame of sin and we want to know Him more and experience His presence in ever increasing measure.
The phrase “Pursing God” can be misunderstood. Pursing God does not mean He is running away from us as we run after Him. God is not running. God is not hiding. God wants us to “find” Him and all His glory in our lives.
Every watch as parents encourage their children to walk. They are close, encouraging them to take a step, but always ready to take hold of them if they wobble or look like they might fall. That’s our God. He encourages us to stand in His presence, take a step of faith to move closer to Him, always within reach to grab us when we wobble or look unsteady.
Children learn to walk one step at a time. Children of God become disciples by taking one step at a time as He encourages us and empowers us by His Indwelling Holy Spirit.