
by TerryLema

I have a pink straw hat that I wear when I walk outside in the sunshine. Still, I have never been much of a “hat” person, not like the English Royalty! Head coverings for the English Royalty take on a life of their own. I love the pictures of the ladies wearing their enormous hats during the Derby.

Queen Elizabeth always seems to have a hat that exactly matches her outfits. Then there are the high events when the Queen sheds her hats and dons a crown. When I see those occasions, I usually wonder how she can even hold her head up – that royal crown must be so heavy.

God promises crowns for His own in the Scriptures.  There are five.

The Imperishable Crown: This is the reward for living a spirit-filled, disciplined life. [1 Corinthians 9:24-25]

The Crown of Rejoicing: The reward for evangelism and discipleship. [1Thessalonians 2:19]

The Crown of Righteousness: This is the reward for those who live obediently in anticipation of Christ’s return. [2Timothy 4:8]

The Crown of Glory: This is the crown for those who have served the church as elders. [1Peter 5:4]

The Crown of Life: Finally, this is the crown for those who have endured trials and hardships without denying Christ or giving up their faith. [Revelation 2:10]

Our God loves us lavishly now and will lavish gifts on His own when we stand in His presence. A soft word spoken about His love to someone who does not know Him will earn a crown. Standing firm in the trials of life and remaining faithful to Him will earn a crown. Living obediently while longing for His Coming will earn a crown.

I can’t wait to see you wearing a crown!

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