Count the Cost

by TerryLema

In Luke 14 large crowds were traveling with Jesus when He turned to them and began to talk to them about the cost of discipleship. Perhaps Jesus sensed that the large crowds were there to “see the show” rather than to follow Him as a disciple. Following Jesus at that time in his ministry must have been exciting. There were miracles as well as confrontations with the establishment and occasionally a great free supper for all.

Jesus needed His followers to understand that being His disciple, His follower, meant far more than a little entertainment.  He used the illustrations of a builder who wants to build a tower and a king facing opposition. Both must consider the cost.

The builder must have enough money to finish what he started. Not finishing would be a matter of ridicule.  The king must decide if he has enough resources to win the battle he’s facing.

Jesus went on and applied those principles to discipleship.  “In the same way, any of you who does not give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.” [Luke 14:33]

We, too, must weigh the cost of discipleship. To finish (the building and be victorious in the battle) will cost us everything. Are we willing to give it all?

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