
by TerryLema

Most of us are familiar with Paul’s instruction to Timothy in his second letter. “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction.” [2 Tim 4:2 NIV]

When I read through my Bible each year, I use a different translation, sometime the NKJV, other times the NIV or American Standard or NLT. This year I’m reading the Holman Christian Standard Bible.  When I came to 2 Timothy 4:2, I really enjoyed how their translators phrased it.  “Proclaim the message; persist in it whether convenient or not; rebuke, correct and encourage with great patience and teaching.”

 “Persist in it whether convenient or not.” We are a convenience-driven people. We are surrounded with convenience. We have convenience stores; prepared food; drive-thru fast food and drive-thru coffee shops; one-day shipping and on-line everything!  We don’t even have to leave our chairs to turn the thermostats up or down, lock our doors, or turn on our music.

Being prepared and persistent in proclaiming the Good News, however, is rarely convenient. It requires study time, experience with the Giver of the Good News, and a heart that is willing to let everything else go just to bring one soul to Christ Jesus.

Seeking the presence of the LORD in our churches is not convenient either. It requires our time, diligence, and desperation to see a spiritual awakening.

I wonder, when we appear before the Lord Jesus at the end of our lives if “it just wasn’t convenient” will be an acceptable excuse for not persisting in sharing the Good News?

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