Consistent Prayer

by TerryLema

Monday morning, Memorial Day, I was all alone, well, except for Miss Molly Magee who was enjoying her first morning siesta. Bob was gone. All the windows in the house were open to let in the cool morning breeze. The neighborhood was yet to awaken, and I was enjoying the quiet. I realized when I came home from church Sunday afternoon that I was under-prayed! Last week was busy and I had only one good session of prayer on Tuesday. By the time Sunday arrived, I was struggling to hear the Lord. That isn’t where I want to be.

I put on a worship CD and I walked around the house and prayed and worshipped. It was a start. I have found that if I want my walk to be consistent, my prayer life must be consistent. Jesus reminded his disciples when He gave them the Parable of the Persistent Widow and the Judge that they should “always pray and not give up.”  [Luke 18:1 NIV]

The psalmist reminds us that we should always seek God’s face.  “Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.”  [Ps 105:4 NIV]

Always pray. Always seek His face.  Just another way of saying that we are to be consistent in prayer.  It’s a simple truth of God…praying is conversation with God. Through prayer I not only learn how to express my deepest needs (which are often far different than my ‘wants’), but I also learn how to hear His responses.  To keep my walk true to Him, I must be consistent and true in prayer.

Father, I have learned the more I pray, the more I want to pray. Help me to keep my prayer times with You.  Amen.

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