Comforted or Comfortable?

by TerryLema

2 Corinthians 1:3: “Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort.”

We serve the God of all comfort. To me that is one of the most precious titles of my Father God. It reminds me that when I am sorrowing, grieving, or mourning, God is there is give me comfort.

It reminds me that when I’ve been hurt, when I’m angry, when I’m losing hope, God is there to bring me comfort.

It reminds me that when I have sinned, when I need to repent and ask forgiveness, that not only will He give me forgiveness (as the Father of Mercies), but He will also provide comfort.

However, I think there is a major difference between thinking that because God wants us comforted that He also wants us comfortable. In Ezekiel 16, God rebuked Jerusalem and called her an “unfaithful bride,” comparing her to her “sister Sodom.” One of the charges he leveled against her was that she “had pride, plenty of food, and comfortable security, but didn’t support the poor and needy.” [vs 48-49b HCSB]

Too often being comfortable leads to smugness. We begin to expect God to cater to us. Our needs rise to the surface and become our priority. We can even begin to think God is “safe,” and while not admitting it out loud, we treat the Almighty God of the Universe as our personal pleasure fountain.

But God has never been safe.  Ask Abraham after God told Him to offer his son Isaac. Ask Moses when God told him to go back to the place he fled and confront Pharaoh with “let My people go!” Ask David as he stood before Goliath. Ask Paul when he was told he would stand before Caesar. Or ask him during the storm and shipwreck!

No, our God has never been a safe God. And we are never to become so comfortable that we choose to not go or do what our dangerous God sends us to go and do!

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