
by TerryLema

I often find that when I choose a Scripture for a daily devotion theme, that verse or theme will come as one of my daily verses within the next few days. When I would do a sermon, that same thing often happened. I would find other pastors using the same theme in their sermons. When the Spirit speaks to the church, His message is always consistent.

Last Sunday night as I was falling asleep, I hear the LORD say, “Come, everyone who is thirsty.”

That, of course, is from Isaiah 55:1: “Come, everyone who is thirsty, come to the waters; and you without money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.” [HCSB]

And guess which verse appeared in my Monday Morning daily verse email. Yep, Isaiah 55:1.

In Isaiah 55, the Spirit of God sends out an invitation to Israel to return to Him. If they come, they will receive blessings upon blessings. The invitation, however, is not limited to Israel alone. God’s call to come is to “everyone,” with that one qualification – “everyone who is thirsty.”

There is refreshing that you can buy without money and without cost, but you must be thirsty. To be thirsty is to have a consciousness of need. It is to know that you have nothing – that you are poor and destitute. Jesus said it this way, “Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” [Matthew 11:28 HCSB]

We will not come if we think the things of this world will satisfy us.  We will not come if we will not acknowledge our thirst or need.

Oh, LORD, I am thirsty for the refreshing water of Your Spirit. Fill me, LORD!

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