While in California, we were privileged to watch our youngest grandson, 9-years old, play his final regular season game. If they won, they were headed to the playoffs. (They did, and they are.)
I like football. I like my Pittsburgh Steelers even if they lose. I like watching Boise State play. I really enjoyed watching the High School Junior Varsity game where our 15-year old grandson played his last game before heading off to the varsity squad. But I really appreciated the novice football game with the 9 to 11-year-old players. Why, you ask?
First, they are just so darn cute. There is a big disparity in size among 9 to 11-year-old boys. Some are tall, some are not. Some are large, some are tiny. For many the helmets seem bigger than they are. Some run fast, others lumber. It is great!
But beyond cute, there is a profoundly deep experience in watching these novice games. These little boys are forming character that may carry some on to high school, college or even pro-football, but will carry all on in life. I watched as these little guys stood there waiting to catch the ball on a kickoff knowing they were going to get hit. I watched as they blocked so others could run with the ball and get the applause. I watched as they got tackled and fell, got up and got right back into the next play.
Character. It is the character that is being formed in these little guys that will carry them through to bigger games against stronger opponents, both in sports and in life. I would venture to guess that there are few pro or college players that did not forge their metal in novice sporting events.
It is not only in novice football that we teach our children of the things that will promote them in life. Even more importantly, it is teaching them the things of the Lord. The Bible is full of commandments to teach our children the ways and commandments of the Lord. “Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” [Deut 4:9 NIV]