Change Who?

by TerryLema

Last Sunday’s message at Christian Faith Center (CFC) Caldwell brought back a memory of a book I read very early in my walk with God. I do not remember the title, but the subject centered on the truth that the only person you can change is yourself – which was the nugget of truth I brought home from church last Sunday.

I remember reading the book. I remember thinking what a great book it was! I also remember thinking of several friends as I got to the final pages who I thought also needed the book. Then I got to the final page and there was this message.

“The End. Now if you are thinking about giving this book to someone else, go back and read it again.”

I completely missed the message of the book – the only person you have the power to change is yourself.

There are times when I still think I have totally missed the message of the book.  I am still trying to change others when I only have the power to change me.

To change, we must do two basic things. The first thing is to realize we need to change. The second thing is to set that change in motion. And if we need wisdom on how to do that, God has promised that we simply need to ask Him for that wisdom. [James 1:5]

Our Father loves us. He wants us to be like Him. That means a lifestyle that embraces the goal of reflecting His character ….

“Therefore, be imitators of God, as dearly loved children. And walk in love, as the Messiah also loved us and gave Himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.” [Ephesians 5:1-2 HCSB]

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