Can God Use Me?

by TerryLema

So often pastors are asked the question, “Can God really use me?”  What usually follows is a host of reasons why they think God can’t use them. I’m too old. I’m too young. I don’t have enough education. I don’t have enough money. I’ve lived a hard life. I’m still battling stuff. On and on and on it goes!

Well, I’m here to tell you that yes, God can use you. He can use you no matter the reasons you think He can’t.  Let me cite some examples of God using the unlikeliest of people with the unlikeliest of weapons.

Shamgar killed 600 Philistines with an ox goad. That’s an approximately 8-foot long wooden pole with a sharpened end on one side. Samson, who wasn’t always very bright and seemed to be very susceptible to women’s charms, slaughtered 1000 Philistines with just the jawbone of an ass.

God used a woman, Jael, who used a hammer and a tent peg to kill a mighty army captain. He used David, a young boy, to throw a stone out of a shepherd’s sling and win the victory over a giant. God used a young Jewish woman to save the Jewish nation from annihilation, Esther. And He used another woman Deborah to lead an army to victory.

A young boy with a little bread and a few fish gave Jesus enough to feed 5000. Saul, determined to wipe out the Gospel and the new church ended up being the messenger to take the same Gospel throughout the known world and expand the church. What about Gideon with his trumpets and torches. Or, Noah simply building a boat in his backyard. Or a young Jewish teenager and a simple carpenter to be the earthly parents of God’s very own Son who will one day go to a wooden cross and bring salvation to the world.

Can God use you?  Just as you are?  You bet. The only requirement is that you are willing to be used!

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