But the Comforter…

by TerryLema

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” [John 14:26 KJV]

That’s a promise of Jesus. Some of the other translations replace “Comforter” with “Helper,” or “Counsellor.” The Greek is parakletos and means an intercessor, consoler, advocate, or comforter.

I think I like the translation “Comforter” the best. So often I need comfort. I need to feel the loving arms of God around me and know that I am protected, secure, and loved in His care.

We walk in a dark, often evil world. It is not always a safe or delightful place to be. Loss often accompanies our walk here. Loss of loved ones, relationships, financial security, health … the list of losses is endless and personal to each one of us. Sometimes it is difficult to simply get out of bed in the morning knowing what the day is going to bring.

“But the Comforter .…” God’s Spirit is always with us. He never leaves. Never departs or ignores or neglects. And I know that it is especially during those difficult times that I need Him most to be “my Comforter.”

I need Him to teach me and remind me of the words of my Savior, Christ Jesus. Words that say that I have not just a present with Him here on earth, but a future where every tear and pain and distress and grief will be wiped away.

Oh, yes, how I love that word “Comforter.”

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