Building the House

by TerryLema

Yesterday as I read Chapter 5 of 1 Thessalonians, I was struck by verse 11. “Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.” [HCSB]

Encourage is the word “parakaleó” and it means to call to one’s side, to exhort, to encourage.  It comes from a root “paráklētos” meaning legal advocate. It means our encouragement never belittles, never causes discord, but always reflects the gentleness and compassion of The Holy Spirit of Truth, often referred to as “The Paraclete,” our legal advocate and counselor.

There is a second part of that verse that we need to see clearly. While we are commanded to encourage one another, we are also commanded to “build each other up.”

The word for build is “oikodomeó” and it simply means to build a house. Our character is the house we live in. Everything we do will either build up that house or tear it down. Every choice we make, every voice we listen to, every path we choose will strengthen our house or weaken it.

That goes for when we influence others in their choices and decisions. Our voice in their life will either build up their character or it will create doubts, fears, disappointments that will tear down their house. We must always be on our guard as we come alongside others that our motivations and our actions are to build up and strengthen them.

The enemy of our soul is always looking for helpers. His is the voice of destruction and fear. He seeks to enlist others in his cause … and sometimes it is too easy to be recruited as his advocate, especially when our thoughts, ideas or opinions are at odds with others.

Our God is compassionate, kind, good, merciful, and loving. If our words or actions reflect anything other than that, we are far more apt to tear down. Grant us wisdom, O God, to build others up! Amen!

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