Build Each Other Up

by TerryLema

Ah, the “Saga of the Sink” is writing a new chapter this morning. They are beginning the process of building it back up. It only took them four hours to tear it all apart, rip up floor, remove cabinets, etc. Four hours that left us with a big hole in the cabinet, a laundry tub for a sink, and exposed sub-floor. We’ve been living like that for six weeks.  But today, TODAY, they are starting the re-build.

Unfortunately, it will take a lot longer than four hours. It will take multiple days across a couple weeks as they bring in different sub-contractors to do the different work needed.  In the end, however, we will have a kitchen that is much better than the original.

Funny how tearing down is a lot faster, cheaper and easier than building up. It doesn’t take much to tear down, rip apart, and leave destruction in the wake.  Our society is proof of that.  We seem to be geared to it. If someone attempts to raise their head above the crowd, someone else is waiting in the wings to take them apart.

Paul told the church at Thessalonica that they were to, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.   Paul even gave them a “therefore.”  They were “therefore” to encourage and build up others because God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.  [1 Thess 5:9-11 NIV]

Life is rough and often unfair. Society is moving away from compassion and kindness. Hopelessness is becoming the norm for so many. Opioid use is epidemic. Bullying, suicide, violence commonplace.

Church, we must become a bastion of encouragement. We must always seek to build others up. There are more than enough ready to tear down.

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