
by TerryLema

I got up quite early one morning last week.  I was awake from around 3 AM and decided enough was enough. I climbed out of bed around 4 AM and began my usual morning routine, cup of coffee, devotions, read and study, post online. During that routine something filled me with sorrow, and I began to cry.

Suddenly all kinds of regrets filled my soul. I wanted to go back and change things, do things differently. I wanted a different outcome than what I now have. But, of course, you cannot go back and do it over again. Even if I could go back and change things, would that have made it better or possibly worse now?

All I knew as I sat there crying was that my heart felt broken.

So where do you go when you are brokenhearted? Where do you go when you are consumed with regrets over choices you have made? Where do you go when it feels like the hurt is so deep no one would understand?

I opened my Bible and went to Isaiah 61 and began to read. “The Spirit of the Lord God is on Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners….” [Isaiah 61:1 HCSB]

In Luke 4:21 Jesus asserted as He read this passage from Isaiah “Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled.”  [HCSB]

There is nowhere else to run when we are brokenhearted than to the Rock of Our Salvation, to Christ Jesus our LORD. He alone can set us free from the regrets of the past.

Larnelle Harris - I Go to the Rock [Live] - Bing video
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