
by TerryLema

One of the greatest privileges is to pray for another. One of the greatest pleasures is to see God answer those prayers.

I came across a phrase in the Book of Daniel that touched my heart. It came on the heels of someone telling me that what I had prayed for them God granted.  That phrase is “I have come because of your prayers” and was spoken to Daniel.

“’Don’t be afraid, Daniel,’” he said to me, ‘for from the first day that you purposed to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your prayers were heard. I have come because of your prayers.’ [Daniel 10:12 HCSB]

Daniel had been mourning and praying for three full weeks for his people. He had fasted during that time. At the end of that time Daniel had a glorious vision of a heavenly being. This being told Daniel that he had been sent to Daniel immediately after Daniel prayed but there had been opposition in the heavenlies that delayed the answer’s arrival.

Even though the answer was delayed, the impetus for the answer was because Daniel was prayed.

“I have come because of your prayers.”

God dispatched a heavenly answer just because Daniel prayed.

Imagine what God will do because we pray!

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