Beauty’s Source

by TerryLema

If commercials can be trusted … stop and think about that! But, if commercials can be trusted, the newest fad procedure is cool sculpting. That is the name for a fat-freezing method that aims to get rid of stubborn fat in certain parts of your body. The method is called cryolipolysis.

Our area is flooded with commercials of women who have eliminated their “stubborn belly fat,” complete with before and after pictures. One woman asserted that whatever it takes, find a way to get this procedure, and then declared, “It’s the best decision of my life.”

I hate these commercials. If I wanted to look at stubborn belly fat, I could just go look in a mirror. I hate these commercials even more because they promote a beauty that is solely outward. They tell us that the only way we can be beautiful and happy is if we have a flat stomach. And getting that flat stomach is “the best decision” we can make in life.

But is a shapely body where beauty and happiness are found? Or is the true source of beauty to be found elsewhere.

 “Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.” [1 Peter 3:3-4 NLT]

The best decision we can make in life is to trust in Christ Jesus our Savior. In Him, we will find the source of true beauty. In Him, we can embrace that gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to Him.

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