…be sure that your sin…

by TerryLema

We learned Wednesday of the fall of another big television news ‘star’ because of sexual harassment and misbehavior. Even though I have never liked this news personality, I hate to see anyone’s sin publicly displayed. (I would not want mine to be shown to the world.) At the same time, there was a sense “what goes around, comes around” in that this personality has spent his career pointing to the sins of others and pontificating about them. Now his sins are scrolling across the bottom of the same television screens.

There is an Old Testament Scripture that reminds us that while our sins can be hidden from others, they cannot be hidden from the view of the Lord.  In Numbers 32, Moses was approached by the Reubenites and Gadites as they camped alongside the Jordan River before crossing over into the Promised Land. They liked the pasturelands there and wanted to stay on that side of the river. Moses confronted them about abandoning the other tribes in their conquest of the Promised Land. The Reubenites and Gadites assured Moses that they would go with the other tribes and help them claim their portion also.  Moses accepted their promise and responded, “But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the LORD; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” [V 23 NIV]

Ah, what a devastating thought. But thankfully, throughout Scripture God has promised mercy and grace, forgiveness and righteousness for those who love Him and who come to Him through His Son’s cross.  In Micah 7:19, He promised to hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.”  In Isaiah 1:18, He said that though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.”  There is a song by Matt Redmond that says it this way, “every accusation, all our condemnation, silenced at the cross.” (Link to the full song below)

Let us pray that those whose sins “have found them out,” now find the free salvation offered in Christ Jesus.


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