Be Filled by the Holy Spirit

by TerryLema

In that lovely passage in Ephesians 5, titled Consistency in the Christian Life in my Bible, Paul reminds us of a number of things imperative in our Christian walk. First, we need to make the most of our time, and second, we are to avoid any action or thought that leads us away from God as His beloved children.

Third, we are to be “filled with the Spirit” of God. In case we might not know what being filled with the Holy Spirit means, Paul goes on to show us just a tiny bit of what the Spirit does in us.

“…speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing and making music from your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of Christ.”  [vs 18-21 HCSB]

Being filled with the Spirit involves action. It is not a passive event but one that promotes activity in our own hearts and in the lives of others. Look at those verbs … speaking to one another, singing, and making music, giving thanks, submitting to one another.

There is so much in the Scriptures regarding the Holy Spirit. There is fruit born through Him. There are gifts that He grants to flow through us. He teaches us how to pray. He is our Helper. He is the guardian of our inheritance. You could spend a year or more just searching the Word of God for all that the Holy Spirit does.

For me, I love those verses in Ephesians 5. He enables us to sing and make music from my heart to the LORD.

LORD, let me always make music in my heart to You! Amen

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