The other day we were blessed to go to a Little League game. It is such fun to watch youth as they learn and engage in team sports. Lots of lessons which I could expand on, but instead there was one priceless moment that captured my thoughts.
One of the younger and smaller players came up to bat. His dad moved to the fence beside home plate. I heard him tell his son, “Move closer to the plate,” as the boy was standing farther away than normal. The son obeyed his dad and stepped closer.
The next pitch was wild inside and would have hit the boy had he not jumped back just in time. He turned slowly and looked at his dad … you can imagine a look that spoke volumes.
I admit, I have seen “that look” in my mirror on occasion. My Father God tells me to do something and wham(!) there’s a wild pitch coming straight for me. My reaction usually is not what I would call “saintly.” It is more like, “Really Father?”
When that happens, I am reminded of Teresa of Avila who on a mission for God ended up in the mud when her donkey cart flipped and tossed her in a ditch. She said something like, “No wonder you have so few friends if this is the way you treat the ones you do!”
But … as Teresa of Avila well understood, as I am growing to understand, our Father God cares deeply for our welfare and has promised to always be with us when those “wild pitches” are aimed at us. We can step up to the plate boldly and without fear.
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God.” [Isaiah 43:1b-3a NLT]