Bad Company

by TerryLema

John addresses his friend Gaius as “dear friend” one last time in 3John. He has just mentioned a leader in the church who is not acting the way he should. That man’s name was Diotrephes, and he was apparently stopping the church from providing the kind of hospitality for which John had just commended Gaius. Now he warns his “dear friend” to be careful he does not become influenced by Diotrephes’ example.

“Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.”  [3John 11-12]

In his letter, John has prayed for, commended, and now warns his friend of the danger that lurks around every corner, yes, even corners in a church.  We must make sure those we follow, those we imitate, are doing what is good and what is from God.

Paul reminded his readers, “Bad company corrupts good character.” In other words, hanging with the wrong people is dangerous to our Christian walk.  We need to be wise. We need to understand that we all are vulnerable to “bad company.” It is when we think we have come so far that we can’t be influenced to do what is evil – that is when we are in the most danger. [1Cor 15:33]

John warned his friend Gaius. Paul warned the Corinthians. Both left a warning for us today.

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