Back to Shool

by TerryLema

Most of the schools in our area started back last week. A lot of Facebook posts were “First Day of School” pictures. Some kids were happy to be going back. Most parents were probably happy to see them going back!

One complaint I noticed is that the cost of sending a child to school is rising. More and more materials and supplies are required. I remember we brought pencils in a neat pencil box with an eraser, some paper and maybe Elmer’s Glue.

Now teachers provide a lot of their own supplies, and parents are asked to contribute supplies to the classroom as well as outfit their own children. And the cost to participate in extra-curricular activities is spendy also. Learning is costly.

Learning is also not limited to pre-school through high school. Learning is to be a lifelong experience. Especially for the Christian.

“Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.” [Psalm 86:11 NLT]

The psalmist tells us that we should be petitioning the LORD to teach us. It’s imperative to know God’s ways if we plan on living truthful, pure, honorable lives.

“To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction.” [Proverbs 12:1 NLT]

Learning for the Christian also involves discipline. It is not a gathering of facts about God’s ways. It is not about just memorizing Scriptures or studying the Bible. It is about living out God’s ways each and every day and receiving the correction from our Father when we fail to do so.

Teach me O Lord!

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