The autumnal equinox or September equinox is today, September 22. That means that the amount of nighttime and daytime (sunlight) are roughly equal to each other. From here on out, the temperatures begin to drop and the days start to get shorter than the nights.
I am one of those who find autumn a season of delights. I love the vivid colors and the aromas of the leaves fallen from the trees. I love the crisp air, the cooler temperatures, wearing sweatshirts, and early sunsets. I know winter is around the corner, and with it cold weather and snow, perhaps even as difficult this year as last year. Still, I love autumn for what it is this day.
Whenever I bring up my love of autumn, someone will remind me that autumn signals winter is ahead. They don’t like winter. And some have a good reason not to like winter, they experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) without enough light. Some have a difficult time keep sidewalks and driveways shoveled. And let’s face it, it gets cold up here in Idaho in winter. Zero or below zero temperatures are not very appealing.
Still, that’s not a good enough reason for me to hate autumn. I want to live each day in this season’s delights. It’s harvest time and a time to remember to give thanks. Jesus reminded us not to borrow trouble from the future, we have enough trouble just for today. “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” [Matt 6:34 NIV]
Today I will delight in autumn and not borrow winter’s troubles. Today I will delight in this day that is mine (whatever it might hold) and not borrow from tomorrow’s troubles. Today I will simply enjoy today.