“As I’ve said before …”

by TerryLema

I have been writing daily devotions off and on (mostly on) since 1993. That’s a lot of words about our Lord. I’ve tried to look around me and see God’s moving in the daily part of life, as well as in the Word. I think over all those years and with all those words I have surely repeated myself—a lot! If you’ve been reading these devotions for very long, you can probably testify to that. Some have said that I should incorporate them in a book. Not sure how to condense 25 years into a book.

For me, my daily devotion is just that a daily, current thought about Christ Jesus, my Lord. It’s like daily bread, fresh, new, each morning. I sit with my laptop, I read Scriptures, I look at the world around me, and I think about Jesus.

Yesterday, I was reminded of God’s faithfulness to us … as seen in the seasons as they pass before us and in what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 1:18-20. Today I read a couple verses further in Paul’s letter and was once again overcome with wonder.  “Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.”  [2 Cor 1:21-22 NIV]

God has set His seal of ownership upon us. We are marked people, marked with the indelible seal of God

God is the One who make us stand firm in Christ His Son. God holds us firm, secure—the loving, strong grip of our Almighty Father.

God anointed us. We are no longer “not a people.” Now we are the people of God. We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, His special people. Where we had no mercy, now the mercy of God has flooded our souls.

God gave us His Spirit as a deposit to guarantee what is to come. What is coming? Nothing less than living in the Presence of God for all eternity.

 I’ve probably said all that before. And I will probably say all that again. But today, right now, I am basking in all that as if it were the first time I’ve heard it.  It’s my daily devotion.

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