I am always fascinated by our changing world. Everything changes, whether culture, societal norms, technology, education, medicine. Some changes are hard for me to follow, such as the ones that revolve around something as simple as my morning cup of coffee. First coffee was good for me, then it wasn’t, then it was but only in limited quantities, then it was good again if it was bold not light. (Whatever, I am still going to drink it the way I like it – strong , bold, and black!)
Some changes are hard for me to swallow. I have a hard time with those who seek to change, modify or revise truth, whether in the classroom, politics, or church pulpits. Truth is truth and I hold that there are absolute truths.
One thing, however, gives me great hope and great comfort. That is God’s promise in Malachi 3:6: “For I am the LORD, I change not.” [KJV]
Society and culture will change constantly. Politics change according to who is in power. Medicine changes with new discoveries. Even pulpit messages change when preachers get off base (more on preachers/teachers tomorrow). But long after our present-day society has gone the way of the dodo bird (in others words becomes extinct), God will remain the same. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” [Rev 1:8 NKJV]
As He was, so He is. As He is, so He will be. We can try to change, modify, revise Him, but He changes not. Hallelujah!