Are you encouraging or …

by TerryLema

The final chapter of 1 Thessalonians discusses “The Day of the LORD,” and gives us exhortations and blessings. It commands us to do things like “Rejoice always!” and “Pray constantly,” and “Give thanks in everything for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  [5:16-18]

As I was reading it recently the one verse that made me stop came at the very end of Paul’s comments on The Day of the LORD. Verse 11 says: Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.” [HCSB]

The word for encourage is “parakaleó” and it means to call to one’s side, to exhort, to encourage.  It comes from a root “paráklētos” meaning legal advocate.

The Holy Spirit (our advocate and counselor) is often referred to as “The Paraclete.” To me that is incredibly significant in determining how we are to “encourage one another.”

Much of what is going on in the world today seeks to divide Christians, because as Jesus reminded us, a divided house cannot stand strong. It is not just the world that has strong opinions. Christians also have strong opinions about this virus-and-fear pandemic, as well as the recent election, and they have not been afraid to express them.

Mask or not mask? Social Distance or Not Social Distance. Vaccinate or Not Vaccinate. Won or Lost.

I have no problem with Christians taking a stance on political or other important issues. I do have a problem when we take those opinions to the point of discouraging other believers because their opinions differ.

When we express our opinions, we need to make sure that we meet the standards of encouragement outlined by God. That means double-checking to confirm that our words … our actions … match what the Holy Spirit of Truth would say and do.


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