Are We Done Yet?

by TerryLema

Are we done yet with the heat! It has been near 100 degrees for weeks, sometimes a few degrees over and occasionally a few degrees under, but usually right around that 100 mark. I know “it’s a dry heat,” but it is still miserable.

The worse part about this time of year is the compound effect of hot days. Sure, in the spring we get a hot day now and again, but usually that is followed by some relief. The house cools down, the AC is not needed, windows are opened and walking outside once again becomes delightful.

When we hit these summer months of consistent hot temperatures, the house never cools down, the AC blasts 24 hours a day, mornings begin hot and walking outside is unbearable before the day barely begins.

As I sat here this morning, at 5 AM and 75 degrees already, I thought about the compound effect of not just the hot days, but the compound effect of the storms of life as well.

We can handle the occasional storm, but when they follow one on top of another, we get increasingly worn down and discouraged. That is where our nation, our society is right now.  Pandemic. Rising cost of food, gas. People being priced out of their homes and apartments. Mass Shootings. War. There is little around us on a daily basis to delight our hearts and minds.

Well, that is not exactly true. There is little around us on a daily basis to encourage us if we are only listening to the evening newscast. There is much around us to encourage us if we turn our attention to the daily Holy Spirit Good Newscast!

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17: “May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by His Grace. Eternal Encouragement. That is sufficient for each and every day.

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