
by TerryLema

My friend Patty from Montana will be here in four days. She is coming for the Launch of CFC Middleton on October 8. AND because it has been too long since we have seen each other. It would have been even better to have our friend Vaunda here also, but that wasn’t possible this time.

The three of us have been friends since the 80’s. We talk on the phone regularly, and we are there to pray for and encourage each other whenever needed.

We met in Loomis First Assembly in Loomis, California. Patty was born in Washington, and now lives in Montana. Vaunda was born in Oregon, and now lives in Utah. And I was born in Pennsylvania, and now live in Idaho. (I came the farthest for this friendship!)

We are all very different women. We have different talents, backgrounds, interests. But we share one thing in common … We love Jesus and we love His Church.

The final Chapter of the Book of Romans contains a list. Paul sends his greetings to Roman Christians.

He greets Prisca (Priscilla) and Aquila (coworkers), Epaenetus (a first convert), Mary, Tryphaena, Tryphose (hardworkers), Adronicus and Junia (fellow workers and prisoners), Ampliatus, Stachys, Persis (friends), Urbanus (coworker), Apelles (honored), Aristobulus and Narcissus (heads of household), Herodian (fellow countryman), Rufus and his mom (chosen), along with Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, Philologus, Julia, Nereus, Olympas (saints).

Paul loved and honored those who worked for the Gospel of Christ Jesus. They seem to be closer to him than even his own family. Isn’t it amazing what the grace of God can do! Isn’t it wonderful the people (the family) God surrounds us with! Thank you LORD!

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