I am tired. Last week proved two things. The first thing is that I’m not quite recovered from the two surgeries and tire a lot easier than I think I should. The second thing is that this is the last time I’m going to do a full-time job in addition to pastoring. I think at almost 72, I’ve reached my limit. Whatever that will mean for our economic condition, we’ll just have to face it when the time comes. I’m done.
I’m done with the full-time job, even if it is only for a few months. I’m not done pastoring, at least God has not released me yet. He may, but as of today, The Way Assembly of God in Middleton is still my passion and my home.
For two weeks the message there has been out of Psalm 103, which begins, “O my soul, bless the LORD, bless His Holy Name.”
One commentary noted that David, the song’s author, ended the song the same way he began it, “O my soul, bless the LORD,” and made the comment, “God’s praise is a subject that will never be exhausted … We are never to think that the work of praising God is done.”
I may be done with this full-time secular job in mid-January. I may be done with all full-time jobs in the future. I may even one day be done pastoring The Way. But my work of praising God will never be done…not for all eternity. I think we not only have enough of God’s benefits to praise Him now, but I think we will be discovering and acknowledging even more of His benefits for all eternity. This is one work I’m looking forward to doing forever!
“Bless His Holy Name!”