And a little child …

by TerryLema

Col 1:6: “All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace in all its truth.” [NIV]

Following is a quote from an email from Voice of the Martyrs (VOM): “When 500 jihadis from the Fulani tribe attacked the areas of Barkin Ladi and Jos South on June 23–24, Christians in the area could only pray and flee. By the time the attacks had ended, hundreds lay dead and more than 10,000 — primarily Christians — had been displaced from their homes and villages.

“The Fulani Nationality Movement took credit for these violent attacks and warned of even more attacks. ‘Our men are waiting,’ the group threatened. ‘We are eager to fight.’ The group has promised to fight against all those ‘raising their voices against us and against Allah.’”

One of those attacked was an 8-year-old boy named Dalo. Dalo’s entire family was killed in the attack and Dalo suffered second-degree burns over most of his body. VOM reports that when Dalo was brought to the hospital, he was praying and has continued to pray. He is asking God to heal him and praying for others injured in the attacks. He is also doing something else, he is asking God to forgive his attackers.

“All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing.” As I read about Dalo, I was reminded that there are many parts of the world where being a Christian is life-threatening and the fruit that is born is done amid tribulation and sorrow.  I was reminded of something else … that sweet little phrase found in Isaiah 11:6: and a little child shall lead them.” [KJV]

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