An Unusual Freedom

by TerryLema

My doctor of nearly two decades recently decided to leave. She was worn out from the pandemic that took a toll on many physicians and nurses. She graciously referred me to another physician she thought would be a good match for me.  I met that new physician a few days ago.

At our first introductory meeting she went over everything. Asked me numerous questions, re-did some of my medications. She was personable, listened, and explained. Everything you want in a physician.  Then she brought up the POST. I had no idea what a POST is.

POST stands for “Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment.” It is filed at the state level and the first choice on the form is about resuscitation. If you are without heartbeat or breath, do you want to be resuscitated or not? This isn’t just for hospital staff, but is available to paramedics, etc. She told me to think about it and we would go over everything when I see her in September. She did say that “at your age” you might want to lean toward the “Do Not Resuscitate” (DNR) response.

I walked out of the office with that form and wondered about “my age” at 75. (For those of you who have not yet attained “old age,” I should tell you that only the body feels 75, inside my heart I am 35.)

I walked out with that form and wondered about the DNR Response. It just felt odd thinking about it. Then I remembered it really does not matter what I put on that form. My God has already “filled it out.”

“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began.” [Psalm 139:16 HCSB]

Today is Independence Day in the United States commemorating our freedom. To know God knows all my days is true freedom. The day of my birth and the day of my death are no haphazard occurrence. Whatever I put on that form I need to remember that God has already “filled it out!”

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