An Ugly Sin

by TerryLema

Sin is ugly. Sin is birthed in our fallen nature. It progresses until it leads to death. James tells us Each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desires. Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death.” [1:14-15 HCSB]

Most of us are aware of sin. If asked we can list them, murder, lying, adultery, and other such, but there is one especially ugly sin that seldom gets listed or even remembered.  Jesus warned us about it.

“He then told them, ‘Watch out and be on guard against all greed [covetousness] because one’s life is not in the abundance of his possessions.’” [Luke 12:15 HCSB]

Greed or covetousness as it is rendered in other translations, comes from the Greek word “pleonexia.” That is an ugly word describing an ugly sin that is often overlooked. Pleonexia is “the insatiable desire to have what rightfully belongs to others.”

Covetousness is ruthless. It arrogantly assumes that people and things are there for our own benefit.  It also puts our own self-interest in the place of God, so it is linked to idolatry.  [Colossians 3:5]

Christians, however, are to shift the intention of their lives from self-interest to God-interest. We are to put to death the things in our lives that block that from happening, whatever they may be. We are to turn away from anything that keeps us from fully surrendering or obeying our LORD and Savior Christ Jesus.

Be on the lookout for those “covetousness” self-interest things in life that draw us away from being transformed into the image of Jesus.



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