An Approved Worker

by TerryLema

I participated in a Bible Study last Wednesday evening. It has been years since I have done that. The last decade or so I have “led” Bible Studies so this was an experience I have not had in quite some time.

May I say, I loved it and that I am looking forward to going again next Wednesday.

Paul described an “Approved Worker” to Timothy in his second letter. The passage is Chapter 2, Verses 14-16. The middle verse is one we probably all recognize.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth.” [2:15 HCSB]

We are to be diligent workers. That means we are to study the Scriptures and to the best of our ability understand and share the word of truth. It is especially needed in our world today. Many people do not want to hear truth because it shines the light of God on their lifestyle.

While they may resist the truth of God, and pretend they do are doing nothing wrong, I think deep down there is an awareness of God’s conviction. I know there was in me when I was resisting God early in my life.

I love getting together with others to study the Word. I love hearing what is the hearts of others as they look at the same verses I am looking at. I love hearing truths shared in different ways. It is a joy unequaled.

Thank you, LORD, for your Word of Truth. May we be diligent! Amen

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