Am I?

by TerryLema

In 2 Peter, chapter 3, Peter wrote about the Day of the Lord, and about the scoffers who would come during the last days. He wrote about how the Day of the Lord will bring about the new heavens and new earth, and that it could happen just like that! He also reminded his readers that God’s purpose in being patient is that He doesn’t want anyone to perish but all to come to repentance.

Then he said, “So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation.”  [Vs 14-15 NIV]

As I read those verses I checked my heart with three questions.

Am I looking forward to the Day of the Lord and the New Heavens and New Earth? Oh, I am! I can hardly wait to hear that great trumpet sound and see the dead in Christ rise and be with Him forever.

Am I making every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with God? That is a bit more difficult to answer. Am I? Every effort? I have peace with God through Christ Jesus my Lord, but I’m not sure how energetic I am in pursuing holiness (spotless, blameless). I need to obey better than I do now.

Am I bearing in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation (and am I doing all I can to bring salvation to those who don’t know Him)? I would have to answer this honestly with probably not. Too often I grow impatient with others instead of modeling God’s patience and desire for them to know Him. This one needs a lot of work

Father, help me to wait patiently, to pursue holiness, to have Your heart for the unsaved. Amen.

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