All Things

by TerryLema

Most Christians are familiar with this verse found in Romans 8: “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose.” [Romans 8:28 HCSB]

Many of us have it memorized. And many of us have repeated it to others, or even at times to ourselves.

It showed up as my verse of the day last Saturday and gave me much thought. My conclusion?

It is much easier to memorize and repeat this verse than it is to live it out in the midst of “all things.”

When my “all things” are comfortable and joyful, I find it far easier to see how God is working them for my good. When my “all things” are difficult, or harsh, or things that I do not want in my life, I find it a constant challenge to see how God can bring anything good in their midst.

Still, I am one of those identified as “called according to His purpose,” and that promise that He will work in my “all things” for my good is for me … it is a promise of God, so it is “yes” and “Amen” even when I am struggling with the current day’s “all things.”

I realized this morning as I looked back on my life, that at 74 I have all manner of “all things” in my rearview mirror … and that it is much easier to see all the good that God created in the midst of them now than it was to see it while I was struggling through them.

God has proven Himself true over and over again in my life, and He will continue to do so.

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