Ah, another one. Seems like I just had one. They roll around quicker and quicker each year. They used to be FUN! Now I am just glad to see another one arrive. And hope for a few more at the same time. I turned 78 years old today. Not nearly as much fun as when I turned 18 in 1964! But still thankful that I can celebrate another year.
I have seen a lot in 78 years. I went to work for the State of California shortly before I turned 18. I had to have my father co-sign for a checking account, to buy a car, to rent a home. Credit cards were a rarity. No one imagined having a “home” computer and it would be almost 30 more years before something called the “World Wide Web” would be launched.
Neil Armstrong would walk on the moon in 1969, and I remember sitting in front of the television and listening to Walter Cronkite report on what the world was witnessing.
Bob and I married when I turned 20 and I had my first child when I was 23. It was not until I turned 26 that I surrendered my life to my Savior Christ Jesus in a little interdenominational prayer meeting. I had known about God all my life, but now I began to realize how much He loved me and how much I needed a personal, life-altering relationship with Him.
More than five decades have passed and I am still learning how much He loves me and how much I need Him every moment. I have never regretted that commitment to Him. I treasure it more and more every year.
“I am not ashamed of it, for I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return.” [1Timothy 1:12 NLT]