Comfort comes with a promise. Promise gives way to revelation of the power of the Promise-Giver. Isaiah has been given the charge to comfort God’s people in Chapter 40. It came on the heels of God’s message of punishment and captivity for the nation’s sins. God’s comfort came with the promise that a way would be made in the wilderness, and all would see the glory of God. Then promise gave way to revelation that the One who gave the promise was powerful enough to fulfill it.
There is however, a little more to comfort than promise and revelation. I remember a phrase I heard often in Hospice and that is “refusing to be comforted.” No matter what the gift, no matter what the promise, we can refuse to accept it. We can choose to remain in our misery, choose to hold on to our griefs and sorrows.
God asked His people a question, “To whom will you compare me, or who is my equal?” Then the prophet Isaiah exhorted the nation to, “Look up into the heavens.” [vs 25-26 NLT]
At some point in our need for comfort there must come a determination to accept the comfort promised and given by the Holy One. At some point there must come a shift of focus from our own misery and grief, and we must lift our eyes and look to the heavens.
Isaiah asked Israel in verse 27 why they continued to complain that God was disregarding them. Don’t you know, have you not heard, he said, whom God is and what He wants to provide you? He wants to give you strength when you are weary and power when you are weak. Get your focus off your need and see the promise that is placed before you as a path in the wilderness.
Acceptance of the promise is our part. “Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” [vs 31]
Those who hope, accept. God brings comfort through a promise. God brings a revelation of Himself as proof that He can fulfill the promise. Our part is to accept the promise. To lift our eyes from our own needs and look to the heaven … to be “those who hope in the Lord.”