Abundant Provision of Grace

by TerryLema

Romans 5:17: How much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.” [NIV]

There are two phrases in that verse that just ring out … “How much more” is the first. The NKJV simply says, “much more,” but either way it’s a stand-out! Paul had been writing about how sin, condemnation, and death entered the human race through the actions of one man, Adam. Then he goes on to write about how the actions of a second man, Jesus the Christ, did so much more. Through His cross (life, death, resurrection and ascension), Christ Jesus brought life, justification, and righteousness to all who come to Him in faith.

The second phrase that rings out in the verse is “abundant provision of grace.” The NKJV simply says, “abundance of grace.” The Greek word means superabundance.

Yesterday we looked at God’s provision of grace as sufficient for every trial we face. It is the means by which we stand steadfast and unmovable in every storm and difficulty of life. [2 Cor 12:9]

But I was reminded this morning that God’s provision of grace is not just sufficient for the storms and trials, it is superabundant so that we might reign in life, so that we might be more than conquerors. Victory is ours, guaranteed, when we appropriate the superabundant provision of grace that God willingly gives us in Christ Jesus.

Let me say that again … maybe we should read it out loud … victory is ours, guaranteed, when we appropriate the superabundant provision of grace that God willingly gives us in Christ Jesus! Amen!

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