A Week to Go

by TerryLema

It is one week to Christmas 2020. It may not be the Christmas celebration we planned on, family may be missing, we may be isolated at home. But it is the remembrance celebration of just how much God loves us. Nothing can change that!

As we approach these next few days, I want to listen to music. Some will be Christmas music; some will not be the typical songs we have attributed to this holiday season. But each one tells us a story of God’s love and is tied to God’s Precious Son coming to us.

Perhaps the most beloved of the modern Christmas carols is “Mary, Did You Know?” written by Mark Lowry. It asks the profound question of just how much Mary understood about this Babe she nursed.

She knew what the angel told her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.” [Luke 1:35 HCSB]

But did she know that this was God Incarnate, Immanuel, God with us? Did she know that this Holy One was the Great I Am?

She did know that a miracle had taken place in His conception. And we know that she kept these things in her heart and pondered on them. Maybe that was enough.

Mark Lowry, Guy Penrod, David Phelps - Mary, Did You Know? [Live] - Bing video


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