A Sparrow and Jonah

by TerryLema

Sometimes I act like Jonah.

I was walking to the end of the block and back on one of my afternoon breaks when I came across a small dead sparrow on the sidewalk. My heart went out to it and I quietly said, “God, one of Your little sparrows has fallen.”

I heard Him whisper to me, “Yes, child, I know. Have you noticed the thousands of people in this city who do not know me?”

And I remembered Jonah.

At the end of the Book of Jonah, the prophet sat down, and God caused a plant to grow and provide Jonah shade from the hot sun. The next day God caused the plant to wither. When that happened, Jonah became upset. God’s response, was, “Jonah, you have more concern for this plant than you do for the thousands of people in this city who do not know me.”   [Jonah 4:10-11-paraphrased]

I walk to the end of the block and back almost every day on my afternoon break. Until today, when I saw that little dead bird, I wasn’t really concerned over anything—not one of the people who walked past me, not the ones in the cars that drove past, not the hundreds working in the offices around me, not the ones in the university across the street.

Yes, Father, sometimes I act like Jonah. Forgive me. Amen.

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