A Sad Day

by TerryLema

I woke up the other night thinking about what a sad day we live in. People delight in “discovering” the weaknesses, failures, and sins of others. They become gleeful and gloat when they can then “display” those weaknesses, failures, and sins to the world. Sometimes they call it “informing” us, but it is nothing more than delight and triumph over others flaws and misfortune.

As I woke, I heard the verse out of 1 Peter 4:8. “Above all, maintain an intense love for each other, since love covers a multitude of sins.” [HCSB]

Proverbs 10:12: reminds us that “Hatred stirs up conflicts, but love covers all offenses.”

The passage in 1 Peter is about our interpersonal relationships with others. When we talk about “covering” sin, we are not talking about disregarding our own emotions or ignoring personal boundaries. It is not “hiding” a sin that it is hurting others (such as abuse) or sweeping sin under the rug.

To cover sin with love involves forgiveness and cannot be separated from loving others as God has loved us. It also means we do not gossip about sin or share the offenses of our brothers and sisters with anyone who will listen.

Love covering sin protects. It protects those who have been hurt … and is willing to protect and forgive those who do the hurting. It is a profound reflection of the sacrificial love that Jesus displayed on the cross when He not only forgave our sin but did away with it along with the shame and guilt associated with it.

The world loves stirring up conflicts. It loves displaying the sin of others for all to see.  Beloved, let us not be like the world.

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