A Prayer Answered, A Desire Fulfilled

by TerryLema

This past Sunday Christian Faith Center (CFC) held an “interest meeting” at the Middleton campus (the old The Way). The refurbishing is almost complete. The inside has been modernized. The entry is bright and glistening. The sanctuary is nearly done except for some final touches. Soon the new planters in the front will contain shrubbery, and signage will be completed. It was amazing the difference a little remodeling can accomplish.

There was a good number of people interested in the Middleton location. They came to see what was done and to volunteer for the initial teams that will be needed once we get to the launch on October 9.

For me, the most amazing thing happened. I was introduced to the answer to a prayer I prayed a long time ago.

There were about 11 of us when we first moved into that log cabin building in 2010. We had no idea what was in store; we just knew we were going where God led us. I expressed to God one of the greatest desires of my heart was that I wanted to see an Espanol church in that building.

Over the next 13 years I never saw that … until last Sunday. Last Sundy I met Pastor Paco and his wife, who will be pastoring the Espanol church at CFC Middleton. (That church will kick off this coming Sunday afternoon, the first service in the new church.)

As I looked at this dear couple all I wanted to do was cry tears of joy. God answered my prayer and gave me a desire of my heart. I am going to attend this first service on Sunday. I am so blessed!

  “Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.”   [Psalm 37:4-5 NKJV]

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